CRX Inspector Help

Enter the URL of a Google Chrome extension, as it is located on the Google Chrome Web Store. For example, if you wanted to review the Evernote Web Clipper extension, you would search for `Evernote` on the Web Store, and then click in to the product page. This page's URL would look like:

Copy and paste that URL in to the Inspector input field, and click on `Inspect`. Once the file has been loaded, it will automatically display the `manifest.json` file. At the top of the viewing window there is a `Files` menu button, which will slide out a directory tree of all the files located in the CRX file. Clicking through the directory hierarchy will allow you to traverse down the folder structure, while clicking a file name will load it in the main content window. The app attempts to make a best guess effort in determining the content type, as well as how to display it. For JSON, HTML, and JavaScript files it will also attempt to beautify the source code for easier viewing.

On the right side of the menu bar, there is a search field. This field will allow you to do a direct string search within the content of each file. Currently it only works for exact search results.